Soya milk & soya paneer (tofu) is an inexpensive and remarkably versatile high protein food made from soybeans. It is a white liquid made from the seed. Unlike most other protein foods, milk is entirely free from cholesterol and low in fat (specially saturated fats). The quality of protein is as high as that found in chicken. It is also good for dieters as this contain low calories. It is an excellent food for babies, children, elderly people and pregnant and lactating women since it contains vegetable protein which is very nutritious and easy to digest. Soya milk and its derivatives are the cheapest source of protein, its derivatives tofu (soya paneer) makes testy dishes like matar paneer, palak paneer etc. And snacks like soya burger, patties, sand witches, pakoras etc. And also used in desserts.Soy milk is a well-known dairy milk replacement, but it’s not just a substitute ingredient. Soy milk can be a worthwhile addition to your diet on its own. This healthy, flavorful beverage first came about as a waste product on the way to making tofu. Today, soy milk can be found around the country as a lactose-free dairy substitute with health benefits that are all its own.
Soy milk can be found in grocery stores, health food stores, and restaurants around the country. You can also make soy milk at home. Soak ten ounces of soybeans in water overnight. Then boil these beans in twelve cups of water for ten minutes. Blend the water and soybeans together until smooth, then simmer for another forty minutes. If you like, you can add a pinch of salt or sugar to taste. When you finish simmering the soybeans, strain the mixture through cheesecloth to remove solids. You can store the soymilk for up to a week — about as long as dairy milk lasts.
Here are some ways you can include soy milk in your diet:
While isoflavones can help reduce symptoms of menopause, they may also have negative effects. More research is needed, but some studies point towards isoflavones being linked to reduced thyroid function. These isoflavones may affect how your body produces thyroid hormones. However, these studies are still inconclusive and need further support. As long as you consume enough iodine in your daily diet, there are no signs that drinking soy milk will significantly affect your thyroid function.
Anyone with an allergy to soy products should avoid drinking soy milk. Soy milk used in recipes can also trigger allergic reactions, so it’s best to avoid soy milk entirely if a member of your household has soy allergies.